Farewell Tumu, Bonjour Ouaguadougou
The staff at Kansec held a goodbye
sitting for us the day before our
departure. The Headmaster had
these matching outfits made
especially for the occasion. It had
been a hectic week of packing and
farewell sittings, so we were somehow
tired before we even started.

The Starting Line
To our surprise and joy, just past customs our Tumu friends were waiting with a starting line for our official beginning. Three kilometres down, five thousand more to go!
Crossing into Burkina Faso
For us this meant the end of cedis and the beginning of cfa, the end of Ghenglish and the beginning of waf (west african french), farewell to our friends in Tumu and the beginning of a grande adventure.
Waiting out the noon day heat
It would be difficult to find a flatter road in the Canadian prairies than the road from Leo to Ouagadougou and the pavement made for fast cycling. On our second day we travelled 100 km with smiles and greetings the whole way.
Looks awesome! I just booked a flight to take my bike to the Crownsnest Pass in July. It will be an adventure in a different way...and hopefully no broken bones. Have fun and keep both feet on the pedals! Andy B
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