Up the Niger River to Bamako
Our bikes' maiden voyage crossing the Niger at Macina.

The massive irrigation project on the north side of the Niger made an incredible difference. In contrast to the desolate Sahel we had cycled through on the south side, now we were passing through rice paddies and buying fruit along the roadside.

Brewing thé a la menthe at sunset with fishermen waving from their pirogues as they pass. A little piece of peace.

Our new friend, fondly known as 'Jumbo Joe' helped to see us through additional thorny encounters.

Sunshine & Rain

How many new tires or patch kits did you bring with you on your trip? Did you anticipate the 100 thorn filled flat tires?
Loving the blog,
Hi there bloggers :-) Thanks for those incredible stories I can't believe it's been over a month (i think) since I last checked in and you've been through some incredible challenges, adventures and cities -those shots of Djenne are incroyable! Et comment est le francais du ouest d'afrique? J'espere que vous deux sont bien capable de converser avec les enfants et adultes au bord de la rue!
Chris and I are currenlty rejoicing - Annie and Rodney bought the house next door to ours in Peterborough and the deal just closed tonight! We celebrated with sangria on the patio at Mexicali Rosas and then went to the air conditioned cool of the movie theatre for Pirates of the Caribbean Part 2. Lots of yucky octopus mucus. But a great night - thank goodness for Fridays!
Hope you are having a good one with a different kind of entertainment -likely much more rooted in peoples' rhythms and words.
Thinking of you both...
Every post I read makes me want to run screaming from my office and never go back - okay, everything makes me want to run screaming from my office and never go back but your wonderful adventure makes it much worse!
My adventerous side is living vicarioiusly through you so I can't wait for the next post!
Stay well,
Hi K & S,
I have just picked up a message from S's mom. Glad to know that you have reached Kayes safely.
I have changed my plans and decided not to go to Calgary this week. I have tons of gardening and house cleaning to do before my guests arrive in early August.We are having a mini heatwave with temperatures in the high twenties and low thirties. You really have to be on top of the watering or the plants quickly look pretty stressed.Everything is in full bloom and the yard looks good.
I'll be looking for your next posting. This is a great way to follow your trip.
Love, Fifi.
PS Send me an e-mail if you get a chance.
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